Desert Island

It was a beautiful day on the cruise ship when all at once there was a loud thud and all the shipmates came running out. I took my family and friends outside and jumped in the water. We safely made it to a desert island.

The shipmates, my family, friends and I made it to a desert island, at first we were really confused but then we started exploring it. I started planning on how to build shelter, I saw some barrels from the sea coming my way so I had to remove my shoes and socks, pulled up my pants and waited for them near the shore. After, they came really close to the shore I went in the sea to grab them.

As I put my feet where there was wet sand it was really squishy and it disgusted me, but I kept reaching for the barrels. I quickly bashed them and started building shelter after I was done I cought some fish and put them in the shelter.

Suddenly, a storm breaks and a lightning bolt appears I put everyone in safety in the cave I figured out earlier. A ship came and saved us, that was a dangerous adventure.

Lindsey zammit yr6.1