World War 2 (abbreviated as WW2) was one of the bloodiest wars in world history. From the Holocaust to the Blitz, this war had everything a vampire wants. An estimated 40,000,000 to 50,000,000 people died during World War II! Put your gloves on get ready for a rollercoaster ride of WW2!

World War 2 started when Hitler and the Nazi Germans decided to invade Poland. Many people say it was from anger due to the previous war, others say it was because of the massive economy issues which encouraged the soldiers to sign up. But Hitler's invasion was successful and Hitler's ruthless rampage across Europe began...

Great Britain and France then soon declare war on Germany, after they had guaranteed the integrity of the borders of Poland. But a few years ago, Russia had signed a treaty with Germany, secretly, so therefore, Russia then launched a second attack on Poland, completely conquering the country! Next, Russia and Germany invaded Finland, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Norway...

... and suceeds in all!

Then France holds until Italy, led by Mussuloni, joins and attacked it, which France did not expect and was captured! Then Germany invases a bunch of other countries and fails and blah blah blah.