Abstract art

Abstract art is a really fascinating kind of art. It uses all different kinds of shapes, forms , lines and colours to create a beautiful image which impresses the eye! Abstract art has been in this world since the 19th century came, it was first going to be an illusion of visible reality but at the end of the ninteenth century many artists thought that they should try to do something new, then came Abstract art! Abstract art is similar to other kinds of art aswell, some of them are non-figurative art, non-objective art and non-representational art they are all similar to each other but perhaps not identical of one another. Abstract art is suppose to be really relaxing and stress relieving, it let's you take a break from reality and makecyou feel calm and relaxed. Even art with more than one colour and not being very detailed is classified as Abstract art! All you need to do to make it is to draw a picture and add a lot of colour.

It's one of the best art styles ever.