Cassiobury Park

Feast your eyes on a spectacular panorama and take in a mirage of fascinating adventures and activities awaiting you with this amazing day you have planned ahead of you the pleasant fragrance of nature besieges you and trees tower ominously above all others luscious leaves with dew beguiled dew hanging happily on the many that stood there, silver strings stretching across them transparent and watery unlike most others this park contains a canal where you are free to bathe your feet and soak in the cold cooling refreshing water that has small waves hopping about splashing near by victims for unlucky ones drenching them head to toe, feel free to munch meaningfully on your snacks or perhaps a sandwich is your meal plan.

 History building a large mountain towering above all other artefacts due to the scene from many years ago it now belongs to the Watford Park and it is available to the public this has been the case for over a century when it opened in 1909 a long line of riches and important leader such as Henry V111 who as the first and then it morphed into Sir Richard Morrison who bathed in glory an gratitude as Henry V111 kindly granted him the manor and the long broad spreading fields beautiful lush green grass swaying soothingly it really does shock me due to the fickle fact that sometimes the harsh slap of the wind forces nature to natter noisily. Did you know that Cassiobury park is a huge 250 acres!