Monday 18th January 2021

Hello all,

I know that things can feel a bit tricky at the moment, you may be missing your friends or family who live in a different house or country or your normal activities. You may find that you get sad or cross more easily than usual. These feelings are normal, and they will pass.

Evidence shows that these five “ways to well-being” help improve your mental health and well-being. Every week we will focus on a different “way to well-being” and have activities around that. These “ways to well-being” help adults too, so see if your mums and dads want to get involved as well.

This week we are thinking about…. TAKE NOTICE.

Our activity for this week is a Scavenger Hunt. There is a city scavenger hunt and a nature scavenger hunt. Pick the one most suitable for your local area and local walk.

Go for a daily walk. Can you see these 9 things? (There’s also a bonus thing to hear). Some will be easy to find, some will be a bit more challenging. You will need to look/ listen really carefully. Don’t worry if you can’t find all the things on the list. Take notice of other things you see and hear as well.

Please comment on the blog and let me know which scavenger hunt you did and how many of the things you found. Can you make your own list from other things you saw and post it as a challenge for other children?

Enjoy your scavenger hunt!

I miss you all.

Miss McCarter x