Goosebumps Horrorland is what I've been reading on GetEpic and I'm on the last book and it's great!

It's about 14 very special guests and two other kids who had scary things happen to them. They went to Horrorland to have some scary fun but the scares started to get too real.

After they trusted Byron, a horror [which is a monster who works for Horrorland] who was a traitor that worked for the menace, a bad guy who lives in panic park. Byron told them it's safe in Panic Park and Lizzie told them it wasn't safe. When they got to Panic Park, The Menace needed these kids on the Fearometer to get to 100. Panic Park is stuck in 1974 so when the Fearometer gets to 100, The Menace can get back to life and so can panic park. Panic park has lost many people so that's why It's so dangerous. The Menace has 2 faces, one which is human, and the other one, which was red and scary, was a failed experiment. Will these kids survive?