Cheetah fact file


In this report I'm going to talk about cheetahs,about their habitats, their young,what do they eat,where do they live and Amazing facts.

Where do they live?

Cheetahs can be found mainly in open grasslands

and bushy areas in parts of Africa and the middle east.

What do they eat?

Cheetahs eat small - to medium - size animals

such as hares,impalas,wildebeest calves, and gazelles

Cheetah facts.

Common name: Cheetah

Scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus

Type: mammals

Diet: carnivore

Average life span in the wild: 10 to 12 years

size:3.5 to 4.5 feet tail:25.5 to 31.5 inches

Weight:77 to 143: pounds