EYFS HOMEWORK - Friday 2nd October 2020

Dear Parents,

10 minutes of reading each night using the levelled reading book - sound out each letter and then try and blend each word. Then comment in the reading record.

Read the picture book with your child for fun.

Complete 1 page of the homework journal/scrapbook - instructions on the inside cover.

Homework folders must be returned on Mondays so that we can quarantine them for 2 days.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Kind regards,

Mr Morris, Katie & the EYFS team

Summary videos of the week's learning below:

Phonics and handwriting:

Maths song:

If you go to a park this weekend and want to collect a couple of acorns, conkers and a nice leaf or two - we'll be using these to do next week's maths and may even do some leaf printing.

Kind regards,

Mr Morris, Katie & the EYFS team