This Is Me, Bradley

I am an Autumn leaf drifting away from my branch ,

I am the only leaf on the murky forest floor.

I dream of having friends,

But that wish will never come true.

My feelings are drained,

Stretching further and further away from my soul.

My heart is telling me to keep going,

But I doubt that I can.

People see me as tough and cold,

All I strive for is a hand to reach out to.

My joints gradually growing weaker,

And I am crumbling emotionally and mentally.

I have formed a protective layer around myself,

I give the impression that I am a hard child,

however realistically I am a book with no pages,

Searching for emotions to fill my heart.

I am a sunken ship down below the vast ocean,

I am a lonely star in the middle of the galaxy,

I am a blue bird with no song.

This is me, Bradley Chalkers

By Lily and Veronica