The storm

Last night I was eating some cookies while thunder was striking . I was scared to death but at least I was safe and sound. My mum encouraged me to be brave and not to be scared of such rain.

The storm kept getting stronger and stronger . My little sister cried and cried and my mum calmed her down too. My mum wanted this storm to be fun , no scary, so she said that she would make some popcorn and we would watch a nice movie.

I was calm and my sister even more . When the movie ended , we played a game , but the rain was still falling as it was before. We had so much fun playing the game that we kept playing it over and over until dad came home.

He came home like he jumped in a pool ten times. We were so shocked and told him to take a shower because he was shivering. When he was done, my mum made him a nice hot soup to eat. My dad felt better after he ate , so he wanted to join the game and have fun with us.

The storm didn't look that it was going to stop any time soon , so we all went to bed , all tucked up , in the sheets . We all had a stressful night so we definitely needed that sleep!