Blossoms Falling

Spring comes like a bright flash of lightening. Small lambs gather around, meadows filled with flowers, blossoms falling like petals of a rose.

Trees covered in bark, Tourists talking, bees buzzing and children hugging. The smell of smoke is awful,an open fire for 2, St Fagans is where I am.

This is totally new. Dancing daffodils, the sunlight is shining, a pond filled with ducks. Shoes scuffing, people running, the ground covered in muck.

The grass is green, I can clearly see. I hear the water, like an explorer on a rapid river. The tall trees, the magnolia on the ground and a sweet shop is what I can see.

Bitter smoke, graceful daisy's and the amazing fresh air. I can smell all these things, so take a nice glare. Birds chirping, water flowing and the wind blowing in my face.

I could hear these things so clearly while i was by the castle's lake. Smooth, wooden benches, the greenest grass and brick walls of the houses.

I could feel all these things as the clouds passed over my head. I enjoyed my time at St Fagans, it was beautiful to see. The old houses, the breathtaking birds and the pink blossom trees.