
Thoughts week beginning 14th September

Self - Belief

What is self - belief ?

Having self-belief and knowing we have

strengths to draw on in times of challenge can

help situations feel less stressful, and more

manageable. This is an important factor for our mental well-being.

Do you have self - belief?

Sometimes the challenge

may feel really difficult,

but the important thing

is to use our skills to the

best of our ability and

keep trying.

Listen to the story of the Hare and the Tortoise by clicking on the Tortoise

Think about these questions

Why did the tortoise

succeed - is he really

faster than the hare?

What did the tortoise

do to make the most of

his strengths?

Can you think of a time

when you faced

something tricky and

weren’t sure how it

would turn out, but you

gave it a go and did the

very best you could?

Sometimes things happen that are out

of our control, and this can make us feel

big emotions like helplessness, fear and

anxiety. Recently we had no control over

some things such as; The instructions from

the government e.g. to close schools, to

physical distance, to work from home.

At such times it is important to remember

the things that we can control, and the

strengths and the skills we can draw on to

make a difference.

On a paper chain write

or draw one of your

strengths.This could be

a skill or strength you

have practiced recently,

or a new one you have


Collect the class links and

join to make a class ‘We Can’

paper chain.


Watch the Powerpoint about Feelings and Self- Esteem

Talk about why you are special.