Who Am I ?

My mum had named me Daniel after the man who fell in a lion cage in the bible, where she said I would be a brave boy like him. For the age of ten I am very tall, I have short lucious hair with colour of dark brown hair. My eyes are brown and they are shaped like almonds. I am extremely stubborn and energetic.

My parents and my brother are sometimes stubborn too, especially my dad. My mum is very adamant in my studies, while my brother usually jokes around with me. I have a bunch of fun hobbies that you will probably like too, first for a hobby that I like is swimming. I like it because you can either relax, have fun or race with friends.

My second hobby is drawing and the third hobby that I usually like is running. I love food mostly sweets but I love other food too like salads or pizza or even burgers, then I have foods like squid or steak that in my opinion aren't good. I have a cute dog called Maya. She is 98 years old and has one eye but she is still playful and happy but she mostly cuddles with us so we give her food.

I always wanted to be an Olympic swimmer so I wish that in the future i could represent Malta as the number one swimmer