How to get started with a new dog

When you first get a dog, you probably wont know much and the stuff you shouldn't do. Don't worry though, you aren't in much danger of getting bitten. You will probably know how to feed it and what to give it to play with, but that's just the simple way to treat your dog, if you want to become an expert and have all dog eyes on you, well then, this is for you.

Things not to do with your dog

First off, before you go crazy and rubbing your hands all on your dog, there's a few things you need to know:

1. DO NOT let your dog lick you on the face, this could cause worms to spread and you don't want them. If your dog licks your hand, wash them.

2.Don't touch your dogs feet if they are laying down and sometimes when they stand up, it might annoy them and you might get bitten. Don't say that I didn't warn you. Most of the time they probably won't mind if you touch their feet if they are standing up.

3.Don't make your dog over excited in the house, your dog might try to run or jump and might end up damaging things.

4. Do not feed your dog turkey or chicken bones as they can splinter. Also, do not feed your dog chocolate that is intended to be for humans.

5.Last of all, do not train your dog to be aggressive.

How to prepare your home for a dog

First of all, pick up all toys, your dog might think it is a chew toy then might chew it.

Secondly, place restrictions where you don't want your dog going, stair gates could be a good solution to the problem.

Thirdly, remember to put down a dog basket, a few bowls (food and water) and some toys (tuggers, bones and cuddlies)

Remember to make sure the garden is secure so your dog wont escape.

Also, make sure to give the dog some item which has your families scent on it, this is so when you go out your dog wont get lonely.

When you get your dog

When you get a dog, make sure its suitable for your home, if you have kids get a kid-friendly dog, have a calm one if you have young kids or for if you are quite fragile.


When getting your dog, its a good idea to get it from a licensed breeder or rehoming centre , that's why I have a few recommendations for new dog owners.

1.Its better to get one from a rehoming centre like Dogs Trust, more variety and you actually know where they came from. We got our dog from Dogs Trust, they have a lot of information on where they came from and it only costs £130 instead of having to pay loads at a breeding centre.

Also, check on the internet for the best pet insurance for you.

Pets at home is a good place to get dog food and other daily needs for your dog.

When you actually have your dog, I would make sure you have towels in the boot of the car so the dog doesn't scratch anywhere.

When you get your dog home, make sure no dogs are in the area if it doesn't go well with other dogs and make sure it has a lead on it, as well as that, make sure nobody is in the way of the dog when the dog gets out the car.