Micro Societies

DOX sign

On Thursday 2nd of May 2019 Wakata class started their second week of Micro Societies by looking at currency and learning about trading animals and other things such as diamonds ,

gold bars, cows ,sheep and apples.

Day 2:

On Friday 3rd of May 2019 Wakata started the lesson by voting on their society flag, there were

5 options . The winner was number 5 ,the flag had a sun and two stars. later in the lesson,

Wakata voted on their currency name, the options were Saphrierie (SAF-RI-FUR),

DOX, WAKAZONES, Brightbucks and waktabucks. In the end DOX won

with 10 votes so Brightland's ( Wakata) currency was announced DOX. Then Wakata class

started designing notes for their currency. Finally Wakata voted on their currency notes

and number two won.

Day 1: