Should there be more theatrical opportunities in school?

It isn't highly debated but is a matter worth discussing. Is it necessary subject to debate about or should it not be brought up as it is insignificant? It is proven that children whom of which do a musical do better in schoolwork but will also get distracted easily while they're singing songs or humming harmonies. So, do you think they should risk getting distracted for an opportunity to do better?

Many children need opportunities such as this in which they can express themselves in ways they might fell unable to in life. By increasing the rate of extracurricular activities but still having a good balance of the necessary subjects such as maths and English to give them a healthy and enjoyable education. It is proven that when children perform in a theatre act there is statistics showing they are more likely to do better in schoolwork. There is a study that revealed that students doing English SATs will have the average increase of 65 points and maths SATs of the average of 34 points. Children will rapidly gain the ability of confidence which was proven by the Old Vic theatre school who travel to many schools and do expeditions and activities. The parents pay for the tickets which may cost a fair bit but the schools also have to pay for the props and equipment which is quite frankly needed within shows but it all pays off for both: parents and teachers when the children put on an amazing performance. So, why should we leave theatre out of school if it will effect it this positively?

The children who take a theatrical opportunity may be more focused but will the other kids? Murmuring melodies or humming harmonies may put the other kids off and they may get a bit annoyed with having to put up with the noise all day instead of doing their work peacefully and getting good scores. Pupils of the school might want to join drama lessons out side of school and lots of parents may not be able to afford that. Not only are the shows tickets expensive but the weekly fees are also quite a bit of money and may be hard to pay for. Children may gain confidence but what happens if they gain a bit too much confidence. They might start acting up in the house which could lead to them acting up in public and thinking people like it is a problem which is hard to solve. So should we let some children do better in work but also make others do worse?

So now you have looked at both sides of the argument what do you think we should do? Do you think think we should let children gain confidence and do better in school or should we leave it and not pay money towards all the stuff we have to?