
Here is this week's book.

We have been enjoying this book at school.

Please read this book with your child

and encourage them to talk about the pictures

and the text.

Have a good week!

Remember to press scatter

Reception Homework for RKK and RBP

Friday 15th April


This week we have started our new topic about 'Growing'.

The children have been learning about the different parts of a plant/flower and have been on a 'Spring walk' around the school to see signs of spring like daffodils/flowers/growing/new/buds/colours of leaves/blossom on trees/birds/insects crawling.

Please can you support your child by looking in your garden or taking them on a walk to see any signs of Spring and discuss their observations.

We would like your child to draw and label their work.


During this term we will be learning about:
