Dear Lady Olivia,

I have been captured by your love: whenever I see you, my heart skips a beat. With the awareness of your grief for your father and brother, I have attempted to hide my undying love from you but now I see it is the right time to let you how I feel.

Your eyes are like a pool, and I fear that if I jump in then I may never come up for air. Hearing your voice makes me feel the need to dance around and never stop. I want to spend my life with you Olivia. Your beauty I can’t ignore. Seeing you smile and giggle makes me want to too but, sadly, I never learnt how. You are worth more than a million gold pieces. My life was dull and grey until I met you.

All this time, I’ve been protecting you from Duke Orsino’s messengers and I have cared for you ever since we met. Your rules are my rules, so I have kept men out of your household and put a stop to all your uncle’s late-night parties. Because of that, I will appear with yellow stockings no matter how weird the idea may be.

I hope to have your hand in marriage and to be Count Malvolio: greatness doesn’t scare me.

Yours in everlasting adoration,
