The nightmare of a society is scarcity you wander what does it mean?

Scarcity is when a society or other, runs out of resources and they need to keep e.g stone

and choose wisely what to build or make, because resources are limited.

Well in class me and my group, I don't really know what its called but I called it Captain Fries.

So the task is to get as much points as possible, but we all are only using the stuff that was given by the teacher and my team got a pair of scissors a ruler and 5 pieces of paper and a leaflet and it started out not really good but when we carried on everything went fine.

Well before we done the intense task we heard a story of JUSTENUF it's a story of a planet JUSTENUF all people were happy there was lots of food lots of goodies.

Then one day the planet was sick of doing that and then plants died no food and nothing anymore!!!

Then lots of people came to the base of the government and wanted so they will be happy but the government said there is nothing only for one type of people.

Captain said the kids gets more food than adults!

Soldier said lets fight it out!!!

Scientist said so the most brainy will get more food!

The old man said so the most aged people gets food.

And end of that story oh I forgot the very ending The Captain yelled we need to call our planet NOTENOUGH!!!

The end please comment what you think of this homework!!!