In the Foundation Phase pupils should learn about church buildings, what they are for, what happens in them and what they mean to us. Where possible they should become comfortable with church buildings and appreciate the elements of church services. They should learn that the word 'church' also refers to the caring family of God.

In Key Stage 2 pupils should be learning about the architecture and cultural and religious value of church buildings and begin'to appreciate the structure and purpose of church services. They should also begin to see how the church as the caring people of God, exist outside the church building and that a variety of denominational expression of Christian life are found. The beginnings of a perspective on church history should also be put in place, starting with the work of St Paul and St David.

Yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen dylai disgyblion ddysgu am adeiladau eglwysig, eu pwrpas, beth sy'n digwydd ynddynt a'u harwyddocâd inni. Lle bo hynny'n bosibl, dylent ymgyfarwyddo ag adeiladau eglwysig a gwerthfawrogi elfennau yng ngwasanaethau'r eglwys. Dylent ddysgu bod y gair 'eglwys' hefyd yn cyfeirio at deulu gofalgar Duw.

Yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2 dylai disgyblion fod yn dysgu am werth pensaernìol, diwylliannol a chrefyddol adeilad yr eglwys a dechrau deall strwythur a phwrpas gwasanaethau eglwysig. Dylent hefyd ddechrau gweld sut y mae'r eglwys, fel pobl Dduw yn bodoli y tu allan i adeilad yr eglwys a bod bywyd Cristnogol yn cael ei fynegi drwy amrywiol ffyrdd enwadol. Dylid dechrau llunio perspectif ar hanes yr eglwys, gan ddechrau gyda gwaith Sant Paul a Dewi Sant.

Yr Eglwys / The Church