Charles had an amazing life; he travelled the world, saw volcanoes explode and earthquakes, rode on the back of giant tortoises, and went hunting for ostriches. When he came home to his family house in Shrewsbury, he changed the way we think about living things!

Charles Darwin was a brilliant naturalist who changed the way people think about life on earth. One reason why he was able to do this was because he was always passionate about science and nature!

he collected lots of different things like stones and beetles and performed experiments with his brother in the garden shed.

his father was a very fat doctor

Charles loved nature, but he hated school.

When Charles was 22 he was invited to join a voyage round the world. H.M.S. Beagle was the name of the ship

when they were on the voyage sea he was horribly sea sick

When he returned after his voyage he suffered from a terrible illness, but still managed to have a huge family

Darwin is remembered most for his famous book On the Origin of Species

he published over 20 books, several of which had multiple volumes

Charles Darwin was very curious about what strange animals would taste like.

Charles family home in Shrewsbury

Charles Darwin was very curious about what strange animals would taste like.

He died on April 19, 1882, in London.

At age 12, Darwin confessed in a letter that he only washed his feet once a month at school

Darwin and his wife had 10 children, but three of them died at young ages two as infants and one at age 10

Charles Dawin