Early in the morning, the leaves were being washed away by a gush of wind. In the damp and wet morning, the raindrops dripped onto the long green grass, like a slithering snake. As the black clouds drew in, everybody rushed under a leaf-less tree. The strong wind blew all the remaining leaves off the tree.

Behind the vast and snowy hills, there was a big bright red and yellow castle all alone. Sitting on the path, a few children were playing with the leaves and having fun. The blue birds, were flying from one tree to another so they could warm up. The leaves that remained on the tree were slowly changing colours.

As the leaves fluttered down a man, who was old and frail, stumbled down the rocky path. The clothes he wore, were muted in colour. The man's rusty old hat, stopped the blazing hot sun from blinding him. On the shoulder of the man, he carried the backpack which had all his possessions in.