
Have you heard about Microsociety. If you havent this is a great time to read and discover what happens in Microsociety. Or you can see what the word means of Micro and society.

Firstly, we shall tell the answer of what Microsociety means,

it means when you work

together as a team and

you have currency and

money and you have tax.

It was really fun when

we have not even started


Next I will tell what we did on the first lesson on Microsociety. So each of our tables will have a pack and in some they would have papers , scissor and a ruler or a compass , scissor and a ruler or have a scissor and counters. So the aim of the game was to make the exact circle with a diameter of 10cm and if you were more or less than 1mm you get 0 points. If you draw a exact square you would have 5 points and if you give a counter its five points.

So finally it was the race everyone werce in a rush, some groups were disqualified because they used other property when they supposed the property. Finally, we looked at who won. Unfortunately, we didnt win which didnt matter at least we participated. week 1 of MICROSOCITY Is FUN!