Henry Walter Bate


  life of Henry Walter Bate & early life

Henry Walter Bate one of the famous naturalists he passed away at February the 16th of 1892 in London how did he die good question he died from Bronchitis it was involve with the Royal Society he started getting elected since 1871 then 1881 how rude of me shall I tell you the most important bit the birthday he was born in Leicester February the 8 of 1825 almost when he died but just different dates. 

When he started travailing & what he is famous for

Henry Walter Bates the famous naturalist are you wondering how he got famous  and why he got  to be on the internet well he started travailing the first time he travelled was at 1848 where in the world did he travel could it be Brazil Canada India or China no none of them for his first one it was Amazonia he started to notice that he got vibes with butterfly's, so he started studying them.    

What did henry done to get Famous

we're all waiting for what did he do younger well the first time before his job he became an Apprenticed to Hosiery and even I am surprised why? Because of his age you must be wondering why about the age because it was 13 like who wouldn't so do you like the news or not have a good time and sorry, I wasted your time