Microsociety - Week 8 - Supply & Demand

This week in Microsociety, we have been learning about supply and demand. Firstly, we read the next part of the planet notenuf where one family were really poor and discovered they could make rope with flax stems. So they bought lots, made lots of rope and began to sell it at a low price to get people interested . When their suppliers realised how the plant was useful, they began to sell it at a higher price, so the rope cost more. That is the main principle of supply and demand. In our simulations, I have created a new business called Code-Breakers. Every week, I create a new code for citizens to try and crack. In session one, Kajeeva managed to crack the code, so got a grand prize of 20 AC. In session two, sadly no-one could crack it, so no prizes were recieved. Keep trying, Alpha Centauri!

I hope more businesses are created in subsequent Microsociety sessions, each better than the last, so we can have as much fun as everyone surely did this week.