A wonderful butterfly

Last month,I was walking home from school when I noticed a large butterfly on the ground. It all started when I picked it up and called my mum. My mum has dealt with lots of butterflies before, that's why I asked if she could help. Obviously she said yes so I took it home. On the way home I saw my friend Julienne,she asked if she could come over to do homework while her mum was at work. As soon as I got home my mum took the butterfly and asked "Can it fly?" I replied with a "No, I think it hurt it's wing!" a few minutes later me and Julienne finished our homework and went for a walk. Julienne had an idea of finding a place where we could let the butterfly go . We found a beautiful meadow where we were going to let it go and the next day my mum said that the butterfly was all better so we rode our bikes to the meadow and set it free. It's wings were so so beautiful and colourful, it went from one flower to another and it finally looked happy . We rode our bikes back home happy with our accomplishment ! At last we went to bed and had a good night`s sleep!