Write a set of instructions showing how to catch an alien.


  1. Alien lollipops as bait
  2. A net
  3. A fake alien dolls ( to lure aliens)
  4. A switch linked to the net to close it
  5. Fake grass to hide the net under


  1. Carefully place the net on the ground so it is visible.
  2. Now scatter the fake grass on the net to cover the middle part.
  3. Make sure not to put the fake grass on the edges otherwise you will lose the net.
  4. Place the alien lollipops on the fake grass as your bait to bring the alien towards your trap.
  5. Now cover the rest of the grass very cautiously so that you don't get yourself trapped.
  6. Cleverly arrange the alien dolls on the net in a way that they look like aliens.
  7. Hide in a place with the switch, where you can see the net from.
  8. Wait patiently until some real aliens get into the radius of your trap.
  9. Activate the trap the second they touch the lollipop.

P.S The fake grass and the lollipops will fall through the net but the alien will be trapped.