
If you ever hear this name again (Tutankhamen) you'll know what it's all about because of...this ! Tutankhamun is famous because he was the only pharoah that we found.

If you really want information i'll tell you what a pharoah is... A pharoah is a person that was a king but back then a king was called pharoah. When they die people mummify them and are buried in pyramids, but when Tutankhamun died they weren't buried in pyramids. Tutankhamun was buried in a tomb in the valley of the kings.He died when he was 17.He because pharoah at the age of nine.

If you were lucky you could of found a pharoah! Tutankhamun was found by a archaeologist called Howard Carter. A fine man called Lord Carnarvon was paying Carter to look for Tutankhamun's tomb. the valley of the kings is in luxor near the River nile.

By Molly Phillips 3dm

The quiz!

Question 1:




Question 2:

a)his dad

b)his mum

c)howard carter

what age did he die at?

who found Tutankhamun?

Question 4:

where was Tutankhamun buried?

a)Valley of the kings

b)a pyramid

c)his house

Question 3:

When did he become pharoah?

a)when he was a baby

