The haunted House by Taifa"Come on, James! Don't be a chicken." Peter started to do a clucking sound and moved his arms up and down like some mad, demented chicken."No! You know mum said not to go near that house. She said bad things have happened in there.""Don't be daft. All mums say that stuff. No one's lived there in years. It will be an adventure, James. We might even find some gold coins and become millionaires," Peter boasted. James pondered this for a while and changed his mind at the thought of becoming rich. Reluctantly he joined Peter in the front garden and the two boys crept up to the front door. The door was ajar and Peter pushed it further open. They silently walked inside...Suddenly, there was a thud and a crash. The door closed as if it was haunted by a ghost. There was a sound of lightning and death!!! “Peter there was a ghost”!!! said James trembling in fear. “oh don’t be so silly James there are no such things as ghosts”. Said peter. There was a sudden flash. The light in the room had disappeared. They both went on walking and walking until they heard 1.000,000 voices in the distance. They saw all the creepy monsters. “Peter look there is an exit and a little flame in the distance”. Said Jame happily. They both ran as fast as lightning and as happily as winds. They ran and ran. The monsters tried to catch them but they couldn’t.Finally, they made it through the hall of ghosts and ghouls. They saw a chest full of Gold, diamonds, swords, and a galaxy Pegasus broach. They were rich!!!!!!!! They to some gold, diamonds and the Pegasus broach and dragon broach home. They made friends with the monsters and promised to protect them and never let people bulldoze the house or let anyone sell it ever again.In the end, mum got them to spil it out. Mum remembered the house from when she was little. Mum promised she would never tell anyone but will the secret spread out or shall it stay in….THE END!!!!!!!!BY TAIFA