Day one Friday 20th 2018

Friday 20th was the first day that we did Microsociety. We learnt about scarcity. Scarcity means a limited amount of resources E.G. having a limited amount of petrol. After our teacher explained to us what scarcity was, he told us a story called 'Justenuf'. It was about a planet that had 'just enough' of all the resources that they needed to live there life until, one day the soil became poisonous and all the trees died. So the leader called the planet 'Nutenuf'.

Lastly we did an activity which we had to work in a group and use some packs to create 10cm diameter circles and 10cm squares. There were two counters in the pack. The circle was worth 10 points, the square and each counter were worth 5 points. In our group we had 1 pencil, 6 sheets of paper, 1 ruler and 1 pair of scissors. We ended up with 20 points because we made two squares and we spent two counters. We attempted to make a circle but we failed. Some groups had more stuff than us but they had no scissors and other groups had less stuff than us but had two scissors. So they traded.

In conclusion, we learnt that you can never have unlimited resources.
