Earth-Shattering Earthquakes!

Hello, hello, hello! Nice seeing you here! Today we will be talking about Earthquakes! A real shaky subject! Literally! Well let us get on with it shall we? Of course!

What is an Earthquake?

An Earthquake is what happens when plates (not the one where you scoff your tea from) clash into each other causing on of them to give in . The plates are on Earth's crust. Y'know the one we live on, not the pizza one? Where we live is 40km thick and the seabed is 6-10 km thick. Imagine the Earth is a hard boiled egg and God bashed it with a spoon. The smooth surface of the egg is now broken into pieces. Those pieces are plates. Under the plates, we have the Mantle. It's thick, sticky and extremely hot. I'm meaning 1,980oC hot.


Good you don't live on the moon! The moon has 3,000 moonquakes a year. Yeah a year! That's about 8 earthquakes a day! Most earthquakes are caused by meteors.

Fault Lines

Fault lines are deep crevasses in the Earth's Crust that are caused by two plates clashing, crashing and doing any sort of movement with each other. Sound familiar? Yep. That's what the stupid bully does to you. So touching plates are always at rivalry. I don't know why one doesn't just egg another ones house. Wait... They're plates.

An aftermath of an earthquake

An aftermath of an earthquake is pretty bad. No, no, no, no . SUPER BAD. Millions and millions of money destroyed in a couple of seconds. A couple of seconds. Usually, the aftermath of an earthquake consists of rubble and parents extreme panicking. But in all seriousness, it's not just "Ahhh! It's an earthquake!". We really have to appreciate that we might never be in that situation. Imagine. Your asleep and then Bam! Your whole life is in ruins. The poor, poor kids that experience that must be soldiers.