A trip on a lorry

Naledi sighed. She leant against the cold, rusty lorry wall and closed her eyes, thinking of their day-how luck came their way.

"Cockle-doodle-doo" cried the cockerel at the sun. Nearby, two siblings (Naledi and Tiro) were sleeping soundly until they realised were they were. "Naledi! Get up, quick! Come on Naledi" Tiro yelled at his sister as she (as usual) stubbornly ignored him. "The workers are coming our way!" Tiro cried, erupting like a volcano. Most reluctantly, Naledi woke up and-in Tiro's opinion- some form of sense came to her. Knowing what to do, they fled to the old, dirt road.

Minutes later, they steadily continued their journey- songs flowing from their mouths and joy filling their hearts. The road was as cool as a fresh spring day and they knew no pleasure more supreme.

BUMP! Naledi woke up with a start. They were further than were they were before and Tiro was still peering over the edge of the truck. "Lazybones!" Tiro jeered. "One truck drive and you're sleeping like a baby. Look outside!"

"Yeah, yeah," retorted Naledi with a frown."Don't let the bedbugs bite!" With a huff, she continued daydreaming about their day.

Time had passed very quickly. The ground was not a bit cool as it was before, heat sank into their bones and they were still far away from Jo'burg. "Step by step," they thought. "We're closer to Mma.

Vrooomm! They knew what it was- another truck sure to blow dust in their faces. What was different this time was that it stopped- right in front of them.

"What y'all doing 'ere?" asked the voice emanating from the crimson vehicle.

"Dear Rra," Naledi suddenly spoke. "I am an innocent child with her brother walking to Jo'burg-"

"Jo'burg! You must be mad! Imagine it- feet burning like hell and spines as bent as blades of grass. Tell me why you lot are doing this."

Naledi turned to Tiro for reassurance and just before she spoke Tiro begged for mercy on his knees, "Have mercy, Rra. We must continue on our journey to get our Mma so... our baby sister won't die!"

"Well, I'd have taken you home already if it weren't the fact that I'm already late- so get on the back of the lorry and I'll take you there. Chop, Chop! Oh yes, no oranges-none at all." replied the lorry driver as the two siblings scrambled on the back. The surrounding landscape flashed before their eyes- light dancing and leaping from one place to another. Tiro- unlike Naledi- moved closer to the edge. "Not too close," Naledi warned but Tiro edged further and further until...

BAM! Tiro flew like a bird from the truck and would have been left behind if it weren't for Naledi. Re-arranging themselves, Naledi exclaimed, "You stupid buffoon! What do you think you were doing there! You know what, there's no point in talking to a knuckle head like you."

Turning a deaf ear to Tiro's apologies,Naledi sat crossed armed towards the wall until she had a change of heart. "Okay Tiro. I... forgive you.I was just scared..."

"I know,"Tiro interjected. "I should have listened to you. That would have helped you in a way."

"Let's just look at Mma's postcard," Naledi mumbled awkwardly. "No hard feelings alright?"