





Section 1: Cyberbullying

Log off the site where the bullying is happening. Block the

message or email that has been sent to you. You- now -should go and find a trusted

adult. You should talk to the adult and tell them how you feel and

they will do everything needed.

Section 2: Never use your real name in a game or other info

Don't use your real name or other information in your username. If you do then,

people could hack or find your location and that's not very safe. 

Section 3: Report button

If anybody online says something inappropriate to you should

report them. If you do their account gets blocked from the game for a certain

amount of time if not forever. 

Section 4: Never meet up with an online friend

If an online friend who you don’t know wants to meet up.

Don’t! Say no and ask an adult whether you should or shouldn’t. If they keep

asking, block or unfriend them straight away away.