The Land of Kings and Queens

Early in the morning, the children, Joe, Beth and Frannie were in their small but cosy beds. Rick had been awake all night coughing because he had come down with the hideous flu. Their perspicacious mother sadly informed Rick that he would not be going out for the day as he had to nurse himself better. The other children were feeling fresh like daisies therefore quickly got on with their daily chores. That day while Beth and Frannie were making their beds. The red squirrel left a message at the door; it read “do you want to come round for brunch because Moon faces mums coming round!There mum feeling a bit discombobulated because of looking after Rick, she had barely opened her eyes ever since she had found out Rick had the flu. But when she had splashed freezing cold water about 5 times in her make up sobbing face she let them go.

When they arrived the tree looked as magical as ever. Unfortunately they were really late, but Moon face being so polite and warm hearted with open arms waited for them. They quickly apologized and sat down. They chatted also laughed even bellowed until they caught their breath. Moon faces mum loved Silkies pop cakes but it was time to go and she seat off. Moon face told them about the land on the top of the enchanted tree he exclaimed the land was the land of Kings and Queens but Moon face, Silkie and Saucepan man weren’t up for an adventure. Joe raced ahead up the ladder and the girls followed quite dubiously, without Moon Face, Silky and Saucepan Man. When they got up there they saw serval mysterious doors. They saw a key lying on the floor and they tested all the doors and only one worked the Kings and Queens door so they raced in…

They sped in and saw the grey skies and found them self’s in the middle of a trench like battle field. Surrounding them were historical army’s charging towards each other WHAT WILL THEY DO…Frantically they dashed to the only empty space they could find. However, it became a very close call as they could have been killed! It was as if the thick walls were closing in on them. What will they do what can do? .....

Suddenly Frannie realised that Beth was still in the battle field because she had dropped her precious headband that her mother had passed down to her. Unfortunately it was too late Beth disappeared into the crowds. The two armies were the Victorians and the Tudors. The Victorians were the wicked ones that ran over Beth. Joe swore he will not stop until he found Beth. They miserably broke into a light jog to look for help. Then they came across a group a boys playing football. Joe and Frannie explained what happened to Beth then one of the boys told them about the KING OF KINGS that ruled the land at the moment and that was ODIN!! The Viking god. He will tell you were Beth is. In the dark, misty shadows there stood Odin he literally came out of the blue. In a deep gloomy voice he declared “ I know where Beth is I will tell you if you get me the Victorian jewel”

"What do you mean" wondered, Frannie.

"Derr don't you know anything did you ever have history lesson the jewels on the heads of the kings and queens is what makes them evil" exclaimed, Joe.

"exactly" replied, Odin. Luckily Joe stole one of the Victorian crowns whilst in the museum that got them here. "don't worry I have already stole it from them" Joe said lying. Once Odin heard this he was filled with delight

"give it to me boy" Odin shouted so Joe gave it to them. Instantly they found them self's back home at there house eating pop cakes and hot chocolate with all family members including Beth, they all told them about there adventure to Rick and mother.