The Magic Box
By Faith Perseus

I will put in my box,
The tip of a poisoned pen,
Tasting as sour as my hate,

I will put in my box,
The shiny tooth of my childhood,
This was the time when my imagination ran as wild as my young self,

I will put in my box,
My funniest joke,
Sprinkled with a baby's laugh as pure as gold,

I will put in my box,
The screams of my helpless enemies, Shaping me into the person I am today,

My box is fashioned from,
The crispy rose of my time,
Growing as sad as my dark,dark heart,

My box is made from,
The Devils horn,
Covered in curses,

The lid of my box is made from,
The bones of my dead pets,
Once my finger is placed on the keyhole the magic appears and it pulls me inside.