Dear all the nations of the world,

Peace is a necessity to make a safe world possible. It is certain that without it, the Earth would fall into anarchy. I am the Iron Man and I aim to stop all treachery across the world.

We do not need wars to win land and money, and to end arguements. We need simple negotiations and talks to sort everything out. We can make the world healthier and happier. Stop crime and cease all cruelty. Stop killing animals for our own benifit. We can eat more greens and live a longer and better, well appreciated life. Robbers will not exist any more and the world will be richer than ever. Children can grow knowing that they are well treated and carefully taken after. The world can improve to well beyond previous expectations. So much good will come to those in need for it, and people don't have to live off the road anymore. The

Russia - Ukraine war can stop immediately and gas, electricicty and water bills can go down again. Pollution and global warming will require a global team to stop, and plastic pollution is killing hundreds of animals this very second. Please help us stop all the diasters in the world. Please consider the millions of lives it will improve and save. Please remember that nearly every living thing wether it be in zoos or in homes will be rescued and bought to safety ( if they're in danger ). There is currently a pandemic gently slowing down but still killing. We can eliminate dangerous diseases and stop the poor care of the world. Please stop and think about what you need to do to make this planet a happier place. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

Iron Big Giant Crazy Metal Man