My Year in Perseus Class

At the start of the year I was a bit nervous because there was a lot of people I didn't know and they were mostly year 5s but soon I made friends with some of the year 5s and some of the other year 6s...Further into the beginning of the year we did a play of Romeo and Juliet and I had one of the main parts...I Don't Know why and the others actually went to a theatre and did the play there.

I can remember that we went to a ship called the HQS Wellington and it was okay...We saw lots of model ships and learned a bit about the HQS Wellington's purpose in WW2 and how it worked. We also got to act out destroying an enemy submarine.

We had class reading which is where sir reads us a book and we sometimes have to answer questions about it. I can't remember much of them though but I'm sure that it was good when that happened. I can remember that we did read exciting books.

A lot further into the year we went on school journey and the journey and it was awesome we did canoeing, ringo rides, surfing and a lot more! The only bad thing was that we were being robbed and set up cameras but they didn't work as we wanted them to but the thief was caught after we made a complicated military-style operation using me and some candy as bait. It worked out great! I had to be very brave and able to withstand torture for this but we did it in the end!

I remember a month before school journey we had SATs. I was really worried about whether I would get a good score but I did get a good score and it was better than I thought! I really felt good because of my score.

My year in Perseus Class has been amazing and I have really enjoyed it.