Robin Hill

Robin hill is a fantastically fun place to go! There are loads of fun activities to do.

Loads of fun things to do: The 4-D motion (which is so realistic but its actually a video),The death-defying Colossus-a ginormous boat,the Falcon Show and the Cow Train. (I didn't go on the Cow Train).


There is a bird show there where you can watch lots of different beautiful birds or if you fancy rides then go on the awesome....Colossus. The colossus is a big boat that swings up and down,it starts of slow but then picks up speed and goes faster. Although you can tell the controller to stop if you feel ill.

There is also the unbelievably amazing 4-D motion cinema that is actually a movie but when you put on the unique glasses you feel like you are actually there. The movie we watched was to do with a spaceship landing on the moon and we had to get off quickly or else we would did.


There is a ride called the Toboggan Run (I didn't go on it but some other people in the class did). I am not really sure what happens on this ride so...

There is the African Adventure where we had lunch,there is also a course where you can climb on the ropes and go up. You also get to go on the swings and a zip line.

Toboggan Run