The rickety old bridge

As I approached the old rickety bridge a sweep of panic swept over me. Could I do it? I had too. I didn't have a choice. I was doing it for a dare. To prove I was not a scady cat. I wasn't. I coudn't be! But I had too prove it.

I reached out my leg to take a step onto the old rickety bridge. It was so spooky. As spooky as spooky could be. CREAK!!! The bridge creaked for every step I took. Soon I got more comfident. It was easy.

But when I was about 3/4 of the way through I made out some figures in the distance cheering me on. They were my friends! I could do it! Almost there!

And then I took another step. But just as I put my foot down I fell. Lucky for me It wasn't a big drop. And it was lucky there was some water to break my fall.

I awoke 2 days later to find myself in hospital, my mum,dad and friends crowded around me. I was alive!

" Your awake!" Anabell said ( she is the one who gave me the dare). "I am so so sorry." And that was that. I had broken my arm. That was a bit down but that is all right!