Year 3 Summer Term 2

Hello Year 3!

Thank you for the photos you are sending and for keeping going with your home learning - there are only FIVE (5) weeks left of term now!!! WOW!!! Let's finish Year 3 strong doing the best we can. Some of you have made me so proud over the last 12 weeks!! Keep going...we are nearly there :) From Miss Payne x


This week we are going to start building a word bank so we can write our own poems about rivers. I want you to think about water and all the different sounds it makes. For example some words I like are whoosing, gurgling, bubbling, chilly etc. I need you to think of 15 - 20 words that describe water and the sounds it makes. It could be water that moves slowly or quickly. You will need them next week so keep them safe and ready to use. There is a sheet on the Pupil section of the school BLOG to help with this.

For the second part of English this week I want you to make a second list of words that link to the colour blue. Try and list as many as you can.

Spelling - Double consonants from the Year 3 word list

accidentally, disappear, arrive, business, pressure, possess, possession, difficult, grammar, different

What other words do you know that have double consonants? Can you think of any names that have double consonants? Write each word 3X in your spelling homework book. Try and have a test on Friday!

Please complete another section in your grammar book - I am aware now that these books are nearly full so there is an additional grammar page to do in the pupil section on the Year 3 BLOG.


Check out the new homework on mymaths.co.uk

Maths Challenge this week is ... 'LET'S GO ON HOLIDAY!' Yes you can use a calculator... :)

One day you will be responsible for planning, saving and spending for a holiday. You can pick anywhere in the world you want to go or any type of holiday. Is there somewhere special you have always wanted to go?

This isn't just for you but your whole family - people you live with at home. Try to save money where you can so you will have more money for spending on food and shopping while you are away.

You will need to include flights, hotels, transfers and food. You will also need to include insurance and spending money. The more you save on flights and hotels the more you will have for spending! Some people also like to buy things to take with them on holiday or even need to buy a new suitcase. This week I have included a sheet on the Pupil section of the school BLOG for you to fill in and help organise your plans for a holiday. You can only spend £5000! Save your plans and maybe one day you will be able to go!

Topic - Investigating Rivers

There are some map activties to try on the Pupil section of the BLOG.

Click on the WOLF to find out how wolves and rivers are connected!

Nature is amazing and can be changed in the smallest ways :)

When all the trees, birds, animals and river all work together it is called an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Bonus points for working out the missing word!

Art and Craft

Prepare something nice for your dad for Father's Day next Sunday. There are some activities on the Pupil section of the school BLOG if you want to have a go!


Try our PE challenge this week from Mrs Brook and Mr Smith. You might win a certificate!

Click on the Basketball to take you to the BLOG and instructions on how to participate.

JIGSAW - Changing ME!

The task this week is about challenging stereotypes. Look at the list of jobs and decide who should do what. Can you answer the questions on the rest of the worksheet? There is a sheet on the Pupil section of the school BLOG to help with this.