Dear Lady Olivia,

My heart has been stolen by your beauty. Every time I see you my eyes lose focus and my heart skips a beat. The honour of receiving the letter makes me reveal my true passion about my love. I know the loss of your loved family members has been hard to bear and you have rejected the company of men, but it feels like I have been sent to the heavens and my beating heart has been too much to control. I can tell you the truth that we are meant to be!

Your eyes glimmer like the tranquil sea off Illyria. I fear that if I dive into your heart, I will never come up for air! Your smile is as big as the ocean and your hair shimmers as you move. If you were a flower, I would be a bee. I can’t take it any longer. You are glorious. I can’t take my eyes away. Your voice sends me to sleep at night and gets me through the hardest times.

Before I received the letter, I could only admire you from afar and serve you faithfully! When the troubles of Duke Orsino’s unwelcome advances annoy us both dearly and the despicable behaviour of your rude uncle kills us, I have been here for you.

I’m going to wear the stockings that you have requested, and my moodiness is no more. The smile will be as big as yours! As you desire, I will roughly to the other servants and kinsmen alike. Dearest Olivia, I will be as kind as the starts to your beauty for I am mad with love for you.

Do I dare to call myself Count?

In everlasting love,
