This week in year 5


This week in maths we have been revising multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. We have also covered converting decimals to fractions and percentages and vice versa.


We have been editng our lighthouse newspaper report to check for any mistakes and looking at our year 5 objectives and seeing if we can find them in our news paper report.

Q)Were you intervewed by our news reporters?


We have created a time line of how things change over time. We all did different examples e.g old cars like morris minors to newer cars like range rover. Q) What did you do your timeline about?

World Cup

Lately, the world cup has been taking place in Russia. On our home tables, we have been given names of countries taking part: Brazil, France, Germany, Spain and Mexico. We are colouring in our table's flag which are very colourful!!!

Q)Can you remember what table you were on?


This week in PE we have been learning over arm throwing and catching in rounders with Mr Smith. We have also learnt a new way to get more rounders by standing in a zig zag and throwing and catching the ball whilst the others are batting.

By Lily and Amber