In the Foundation Phase pupils should be introduced to the main universally celebrated Christian festivals and learn to see them as celebrations in which they can participate and to which they can contribute. They should also begin to appreciate Christian music and ceremonial.

In Key Stage 2 pupils should begin to grasp the annual pattern of Christian festivals and their purpose in keeping the life of Christ and the work of God constantly before the church. They should begin to associate Christian festivals with words, music and representational art whose theological and artistic meaning they are able to explore. They should continue to be given opportunities to understand and to take part in Christian festivals.

Yn y Cyfnod Sylfaen, dylai disgyblion gael eu cyflwyno i'r gwyliau Cristnogol a ddethlir yn fyd-eang a dysgu eu gweld fel dathliadau y gallant gymryd rhan ynddynt ac y gallant gyfrannu iddynt. Dylent hefyd ddechrau gwerthfawrogi cerddoriaeth Gristnogol a defodol.

Yng Nghyfnod Allweddol 2, dylai disgyblion ddechrau amgyffred yr hyn yw patrwm blynyddol gwyliau Cristnogol a'u pwrpas o ran cadw bywyd Crist a gwaith Duw bob amser yn flaenllaw yn yr eglwys. Dylent ddechrau cysylltu gwyliau Cristnogol â geiriau, cerddoriaeth a chelfyddyd gynrychioliadol y gallant archwilio eu hystyr diwinyddol ac artistig. Dylid parhau i roi cyfìe iddynt ddeall ac i gyfranogi o'r gwyliau Cristnogol.

Gwyliau / Festivals