Who Am I?

Hi, my name is Ayden and today I will tell you about myself! I am about ten years old and my appearence has been changing drastically!

For now my look is pretty consistent, I have brown oval shaped eyes, my hair is short but fluffy and my height and weight is pretty normal for a ten year old. I am 1.40 metres tall and about 40kg in weight. My character is pretty cool, I am funny, happy, patient, smart, kind, generous, brave and helpful. I like alot of different kinds of food too, some are pizza, ravioli and cheese but I don't like all foods, I don't like ham, tuna or milk.

I also like to draw, it's my favourite hobby, I normally draw monsters and videogame characters but that not the only thing I like to do, I also like to watch funny youtube videos, it's very fun!

I also live in a cube shaped house in Żejtun! Since I live in Żejtun I go to the school which is found there, Saint Thomas Moore primary B. I have a lot of friends aswell but I have so much I cannot even say all their names!

I have a few pets too, a rabbit called Bunny, a turtle called Bayden and a dog called Maxi.

Since I know how to draw well I wish to be an artist and live happily, I also hope that my life staysas good as it is.