Dear Diary,

You won’t believe what has happened today! I already knew that I was getting evacuated but it didn't seem real at all! First of all,my mum dropped me off at the crowded station where I could barely hear myself think. There was so much going on:Children crying and shouting(I think I was joining in at some point);The train whistling;but what really got my attention was the steam coming up from the front part of the train. I wonder,do you think there might have been some kind of fire,Diary? Anyway,there was one more thing which I wanted to tell you about. When I was on the train I saw weird cloud things with a head and legs on it! It was really strange. What on earth could it be?

After that,the Billeting Officer took us to the town hall where we received cocoa. At the time, I was all stressed out about who I was going to get.I could laugh at myself now at remembering how I acted. Luckily,I got picked by a friendly,cheerful,plump woman whose name is Mrs Myth. I later discovered that she was the Deputy Head of the school. I am really anxious about school. Will I fit in,Diary? Will I get any friends?

When Mrs Myth led us to her house, my jaw dropped in awe. It looked like a palace compared to where I stayed in London! It had bedrooms and lavatory and,guess what, the lavatory actually worked! Can you believe it! I love my new family but I really miss my mum and dad. It is really depressing not knowing if they are safe or not. I’ll talk later,Diary. Mrs Myth is calling for dinner now and I’m hoping it’s good. 

For now Diary,
