Week 3 -Enterprise

We discussed what enterprise was in our class,(Getting a job and identifying gaps in the market,assessing risks and getting fiance from the bank and making appealing advertisements and persuading /begging people to buy your product.

We looked at the civil service jobs in the U.K (United Kingdom) We pay tax's to the tax people to pay the civil servants.Also if you run a business and you go on vacation you still need to pay your tax's.Some people even went on vacation just to avoid paying for their tax.

We read another part of "NotEnuf" The people thought of trading for seeds and resources, some people traded for seeds,food packs,Etc People would also trade their unhealthy food for maybe some food with nutrition or makes you stronger.

Mrs. Cranfield came in to discuss her previous work on what she did in her past job,She encouraged people to get a job, (Basically she made people get a job and get a good pay check at the same time)

we also took a business questionnaire to see our suitability to run our business or maybe work for our business (I'm a banker)

Our currency is called "Stoof" and our design on our paper money is a mixture of Lora and Amy's (Amy's astronaut is on the note and Lora has the rest of the design.)