Hello Pintail Class!

How are you?

It has been so lovely talking to you over the phone and on J2 Message! What is your favourite thing that you did over the weekend? This weekend, I thought carefully about the things that

make use different and unique, as well as the things that make us the same. We all have something to celebrate about ourselves and that’s what makes us so special. How are you special? Take the time this week to talk about, write down or draw all the ways that you are special and share this with your family. I’ve loved posting and commenting on all the creative activities that you have published onto our blog. Parents, please do email me via the office if you need support publishing work. So far I’ve seen puzzles, poems, pictures, stories, informative videos about animals and plants, newspaper articles with planet saving tips, 3D maps, origami and cross stitch creations. Keep up the great work! I know it’s hard to focus sometimes, but think about how proud you will feel when you have completed your work! I know I am very proud of you.

Take care, be kind to yourself and others and most of all, have fun!

Love from,

Ms Waithe  :)

Here are a selection of books that celebrate diversity.