Week6 - Profit and Loss

Profit and loss, which is common in companies, loss is when you spend 60 alphacents and you make 20 alphacents thats a 40 alphacents loss, disappointing! A profit is when you spend 30 alphacents and you make 70 alphacents thats a 30 alphacents profit, Bravo!

Alot of companies had made a loss, our company has made a 50 alphacents profit, while I was not at school. In our company we decided to make each card a price of alphacents, like a Legendary was maybe 2 alphacents. Discount if you are a servant 50% off and the leader, Ethan has a 75% discount on any of our cards. Many people complain that the police don't do a good job, since all their money got stolen, mostly the girls. I think the police do amazing job of keeping the society safe, and the people that got their money stolen, be more careful. Anyone could steal, even your friends from different classes then give the stolen money to others, which isn't pleasent for the owner.

Don't spend a lot, if you do, you will stress a lot about money. Be careful with your money

Nemesh Suthesan