Year 3 Summer Term 2

Hello Year 3!

I am very excited to be seeing you on the 9th July when you come into school for transition! You will also get to meet your new teachers - Mrs Brook and Mrs Bird. They are really looking forward to meeting you all.

I hope you have a good home learning week - we only have 2 weeks left now - let's make them good ones! From Miss Payne x

English - TEST WEEK!

This week you have an end of Year 3 English, Grammar and Reading tests. Give yourself about 1 hour to do each, at your own pace (this is usually how long you would get in class). It's ok if this takes you a bit longer. You could even do one a day if that's easier. Try to do as much of it by yourself as you can and as Miss Payne always says - JUST DO YOUR BEST! I will also provide the answers in case anyone wants to know. You could even mark your own work with your green pen - if it's still in your pencil case!

All 3 tests are in the Pupil section on the Year 3 BLOG.

READ, READ, READ, READ, READ, READ ..... where will you visit next?!


Check out the new homework on mymaths.co.uk

Go back and check any homework that has been missed! Some children have missed quite a few!

Times table test next week so practice 3X, 4X, 5X, 8X and 10X tables so you are ready! It will have all of these tables on the text all mixed up.

The children should now have received their 'Rising Stars Pupil Book' from school. The children are now free to work in this book at their own pace and will continue to cover everything else covered in the Year 3 curriculum. They can try a unit a day ie Unit 7C, 8A, 8B ... If they get stuck on a particular concept just spend an extra day working through what they can.

Topic - Water Habitats of the UK

What animals live near or in a river in the UK? You might want to make a little booklet about your creature!

I want you to choose an animal that lives in a river, stream or pond (not the ocean!). Here are some ideas:

Beaver, water vole, heron, otter, newts, frogs, kingfisher, grass snakes, crayfish, dragonfly.

You need to draw a very detailed diagram of your choice of animal. You then need to write a little bit about: 1) Where they live in a river

2) What they eat and who eats them! (where they are in a food chain)

3) Their life cycle - what are the babies called, how long to they live?

4) 3 Amazing Facts about your animal.

You can present this information in any way you like. There are some worksheets on the BLOG to help with this if you want to use them.

Click on the Water Vole to find out what to look for if you go Water Vole hunting!

If you can you could go visit a RIVER! Stay safe near water though.


Try some of the challenges on the BLOG from Mrs Brook. You might win a certificate!

JIGSAW - Let's Talk About It!

Last week we thought about the end of Year 3 and all the fun stuff we did together this year. Now I want you to think AHEAD to Year 4. I want you to think about all the exciting things coming up next year. I want you to also think about your Goals and Dreams for Year 4. What would you like to learn? What personal goals do you have for PE? What else would you like to learn in the ICT suite? What art would you like to create? What would be a good thing to improve? Would you like to get to know other children in the class and make new friends? Have a conversation with mum or dad about this and talk about these questions.

There is a work sheet on the Pupil section of the school BLOG to help start thinking about Year 4.

Bonus Activity: Think of two questions you would like to ask your new teachers when you come in for transition!