

Yesterday, St Davids dash was held. It was a fun-filled race around their school field with medals for first, second and third place. All of Southborough tried their very hardest to make our school proud.

The first race consisted of the year 5 girls. From Southborough, we put forward: Amelie, Ava, Beatrice, Scarlet and Nikyta. All of them tried their best and all of them completed the race.

The next race was the year 5 boys. The boys that competed in this race were: Heath, Jake, Shahan, Isaiah, Thomas and Artem. They ran exceptionally well, especially Heath who came 2nd!

After that, it was the year 6 girls. In this race, we had: Finley, Lola, Mmeso, Bella, Sophia and Tianie. Some of the girls in this race suffered severe stitches but they persevered and managed to cross the line.

The very last race was the year 6 boys and they were: William, Jack, Luka, Thomas, Callum and Sam. It was claimed that this race was very close and faster than the others. Everyone did amazingly well.William came 4th just missing out on the medals.

Everybody from Southborough enjoyed the event and did some quality running. Mr Fotheringham was very pleased with us all and he congratulated us. A big well done to all those who ran the race.

by William and Heath